Welcome to our project page for the proposed Trent BESS project. This webpage provides information on our proposals for a new energy storage project located on land South of Torksey Ferry Road, Cottam and land East of Chequers Lane, Laneham, Nottinghamshire.
After engaging with the local community during a public consultation held from 11 October to 8 November 2024, Tribus Clean Energy has now submitted two parallel planning applications to Bassetlaw District Council for our Trent BESS proposal. We are grateful to everyone who took the time to provide their feedback and help shape our plans.
You can contact us using the following details:
Phone: 0800 099 6176
Email: trentbess@secnewgate.co.uk
We would like to hear your views about our proposals. This page sets out all of the information you need to learn about our plans and share your views with us.
We are proposing a new Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) on a site south of Torksey Ferry Road. It will use batteries to store electricity for when it is needed most. They would be housed in structures that look similar to shipping containers.
Battery storage is an important part of making sure our country has clean, secure and affordable energy as we begin to use more wind and solar power. These sources don’t generate electricity consistently, but batteries allow us to store electricity and release it at times when it is most needed.
That means homes and businesses can continue to be powered – even when the sun isn’t shining, or the wind isn’t blowing.
We are seeking your views before we submit a planning application to Bassetlaw District Council in autumn 2024. This newsletter includes information about our proposals, along with details of how to find out more and share your views on our plans.
We have followed a site selection process and have carefully considered environmental and amenity factors in the surrounding area. We have selected the site due to a number of factors including:
- Proximity to substation: the site is very close to the substation, making the connection with an underground cable easy and cost-effective.
- Environmental factors: an example includes the flat topography of the land which would make the construction process simple and efficient and provides an opportunity to integrate the development into the locality using landscaping and new planting to screen the development from view and achieve biodiversity net gain targets.
- Site availability: the site is readily available, ensuring there won’t be major delays in starting the project.
Environmental considerations
We carefully consider the environmental characteristics of a potential site when preparing proposals for a BESS, as well as possible impacts on people living nearby.
This involves carrying out surveys and assessments to understand potential impacts from development and any need for mitigation measures. Our design is informed by these assessments and includes measures to screen noise and views of the batteries.
Our assessments have identified a need to manage the potential impacts from the worst possible case of flood from the River Trent. We are therefore proposing a flood compensation area across a site southeast of Laneham and southwest of Church Laneham. This would allow flood water to accumulate safely and be drained to the River Trent via the existing drainage infrastructure.
The inclusion of this second parcel of land is intended to provide a long-term and sustainable solution for compensatory flood management to mitigate the impacts of a worst-case design flood event during the 25-year design life of the BESS facility.
The extensive flood modelling and analysis of topography within the area indicates that the works required for flood compensation are likely to require the extraction of some overburden, with some of the material to be stored on site in the form of sloped landscaped bunds and some material exported off-site to sustainable end-users. Topsoil will be wholly reused on site.
We are at an early stage in our design and welcome the views of the local community on our plans as part of this consultation. Your feedback will then be considered, alongside our environmental assessments, and will help to shape our plans.
Public Consultation
We would like to hear your thoughts about our plans. We are consulting on our proposals from Friday 11th October until Friday 8th November 2024.
Your feedback is invaluable and, where possible and appropriate, we will look to incorporate your comments into our evolving plans. This information will assist in informing the final proposal for our planning application, which we hope to submit to Bassetlaw District Council later this year.
We are holding an event for the local community, where members of the team will be available to answer questions and discuss the proposals in more detail. Please come along, chat to the team and let us know what you think.
Details of the public exhibition:
Tuesday 22nd October 2024 from 4pm to 8pm
Rampton Village Hall, Manor Grounds, Rampton, Retford, Notts, DN22 0JU
Once we have reviewed all the feedback, we will finalise our plans and submit a full planning application to Bassetlaw District Council. As part of the application, we will submit a document that summarises the comments received from the local community.
Bassetlaw District Council will then conduct its own statutory consultation before determining the application.
Document library
You can find out more by viewing the documents we have published as part of our public consultation:
Submission community newsletter
Consultation newsletter
Site plan
Exhibition boards
We will continue to update this section as our plans progress.
Contact the team
More information will be made available at the start of our consultation on 11th October 2024. However, if you have any questions before then, please feel free to contact the team by:
Phone: 0800 099 6176
Email: trentbess@secnewgate.co.uk
Share your views
We welcome your feedback on our proposal and any questions you may have about battery storage.
Where possible and appropriate, we will look to incorporate your comments on our evolving proposals. This information will assist in informing the final scheme for our planning submission.
Feedback can be provided either using our online questionnaire here or by the following means:
Phone: 0800 099 6176
Email: trentbess@secnewgate.co.uk